Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thelma M. 7 2010

I think that the video was intersting because it was about Species of the planet Earth. This video made think how much we are effecting are wonderful animal that day of tommorow wont be there no more so I think that we shoud do something to save our animals. There sould be a way that we can help them. The problem is that someone tells a person for exam, the polor bear are in insinct the say thats not true there are some in this place and that place. Is true but there some there and not a lot but its not going to take long to see nun is this and that place. People think that this is not sireas that its a simple game. But is not we have to start NOW to make a change the day of tommorow.

I am going to name animals that the day of tommorow will to insict more:
  • Polor Bear
  • Frog
  • Pinguen
  • Almost all the sea animals
  • There a lots of other animals

1 comment:

  1. What was the title of the documentary that you saw.

    How can we stop the extinction of animals that are in danger because of human actions?
